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The Miraculous Birth of the Church in Europe

September 11, 2016 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: 1 Thessalonians

Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:1

When Paul the apostle responded to the vision of the Macedonian man, it lead to the miraculous birth of the church in Europe and beyond. The newly planted Thessalonian Christians belonged to the kingdom of Jesus Christ, governed by the Word of God, and awaiting the impending return of their King. As we begin our series in 1 Thessalonians, we will learn from the example of that early Greek church which Paul loved so much. It is the example of a waiting church, walking worthy of Christ.


  1. The Ministry of Paul and His Co-Workers
  2. The Miraculous Birth of the Church in Europe
  3. The Message of Grace and Peace