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Messages from 2021

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December 24, 2021

What's in a Name?

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: Matthew 1:17–25

December 19, 2021

The Character of God in the Coming of Christ

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:26–38

December 19, 2021

Elder Q&A - Dec 19 2021

Topic: Sunday School

December 12, 2021

The Word Became Flesh

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 1:1–18

December 5, 2021

Decently and in Order

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:26–40

November 28, 2021

Tongues And Prophesy

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:1–25

November 28, 2021

Calvary Grace at 15

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sunday School

November 21, 2021

The LORD Bless you and Keep You

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Numbers 6:22–27

November 14, 2021

Loving the Unloveable

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13

November 14, 2021

Biblical Theology - Noah

Series: Biblical Theology Topic: Sunday School

November 7, 2021

The Body Image of the Church

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1–31

November 7, 2021

Is the Reformation Over?

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sunday School

October 31, 2021

Digging Old Wells: A Reformation Sermon

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: Genesis 26:18

October 17, 2021

The Imitation Game

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:1–16

October 10, 2021

Free from Anxieties

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:17–40

October 3, 2021

Do All for the Glory of God

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:23–33

September 26, 2021

Agony in Gethsemane

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: Mark 14:32–42

September 19, 2021

Take Heed Lest You Fall

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1–22

September 12, 2021

Elders Q&A

Speaker: Panel Group Topic: Sunday School

September 5, 2021

Priorities in the Polluted Public Square

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 8:1–13

August 29, 2021

The Meekness of Wisdom

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon

August 22, 2021

Taming the Tongue: The Mark Of Christian Maturity

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: James 3:1–12

August 15, 2021

Obey, Stay, and Pray: The Gracious Power of a Godly Spouse

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:10–16

August 8, 2021

Single in the City

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:6–9

August 1, 2021

Wedlocking the Bedroom

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:1–5

July 18, 2021

Clean, Clothed and Called: Baptized into Christ

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: Galatians 3:27–29

July 11, 2021

It's Not All About You

Speaker: Paul Toews Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1–11

July 4, 2021

Who Will You Fear?

Speaker: Rob Snyder Topic: Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 8:11–15

June 27, 2021

Pray Then Like This

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: Matthew 6:5–13

June 24, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 19:21

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Scripture: Proverbs 19:21

June 20, 2021

Orders Remain Unchanged

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Matthew 28:16–20

June 13, 2021

The Shepherd Gathers His Scattered Sheep

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: Ezekiel 34:1–31

June 10, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 15:28

Speaker: Geoff Meadows Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 15:28

June 6, 2021

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Philippians 4:10–13

June 3, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 29:16

Speaker: Rob Snyder Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 29:16

May 30, 2021

Joyful, Gentle, Prayerful

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Philippians 4:4–7

May 20, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 15:3

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 15:3

May 16, 2021

Christ’s Counsel for Anxious and Agitated Activists

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Luke 10:38–42

May 13, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 17:17

Speaker: Rob Snyder Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 17:17

May 9, 2021

Behold Your Mother!

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 19:27

May 6, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 18:10

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 18:10

May 2, 2021

Suing For Peace

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:1–11

April 25, 2021

Suffering Smyrna: Courageous and Faithful

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: Revelation 2:8–11

April 22, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 3:9-10

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 3:9–10

April 15, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 3

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 3

April 11, 2021

Don't Lose Your First Love

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: Revelation 2:1–7

April 8, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 10:28

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 10:28

April 4, 2021

Resurrection Realism

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12–58

April 2, 2021

Christ Cancelled

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Peter 2:21–25

April 1, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 2

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 2

March 28, 2021

Humble and Mounted on a Colt

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Matthew 21:1–11

March 21, 2021

Man of Sorrows: The Suffering Slavery of Jesus

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 53:3

March 18, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 1:20-33

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 1:20–33

March 14, 2021

Is There Hope for Failures? Jesus is Enough

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Topic: Sermon Scripture: Romans 5:19

March 11, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 1:8-19

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 1:8–19

March 4, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 3:7

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 3:7

February 28, 2021

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 10:1–18, John 10:27–31

February 25, 2021

Proverbs and Prayer - Proverbs 1:7

Series: Proverbs and Prayer Topic: Special Chapel Service Scripture: Proverbs 1:7

February 21, 2021

The Ministry Measuring Stick

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:1–5

February 14, 2021

A Time To Build: Offering Your Work As Worship

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:10–23

February 7, 2021

Splitting the Church

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Chronicles 3:1–9

January 31, 2021

The Depths of God

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9–16

January 24, 2021

The Secret and Hidden Wisdom of God

Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:6–8

January 23, 2021

Session 3 - Christus Victor

Series: More Than Conquerors: Celebrating Christ's Victory Parade Topic: Conference Scripture: Colossians 2:6–15

January 22, 2021

Session 2 - Overcoming Faith

Speaker: Jeff Jones Series: More Than Conquerors: Celebrating Christ's Victory Parade Topic: Conference Scripture: 1 John 5:1–5

January 17, 2021


Speaker: Gavin Peacock Series: God Meant It For Good Topic: Sermon Scripture: Genesis 37:1–11, Genesis 45:24– 46:4

January 10, 2021

Lessons from the Life of Joseph (Part 1)

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Series: God Meant It For Good Topic: Sermon Scripture: Genesis 50:15–21

January 3, 2021


Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Out of Order: A Confused Church Needs Jesus Topic: Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1–5