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The Mission of the Holy Spirit: The mission of the church is to make disciples as we bear witness to the gospel. We do this in the power of the Holy Spirit with the authority of Jesus Christ for the glory of God the Father. A Life Given for Life Gained. Jesus motivation in his mission is the glory of God. The cost, his life. His death is a fruit bearing death. In the same way Christians must be motivated by the glory of the gospel of Christ to propel us to personal holiness and missions. But we must count the cost. In order to bear fruit, Jesus demands our lives. Make Disciples! A Teaching Task - What’s the commission in the Great Commission?: “Make disciples of all the nations" These are some of the greatest words spoken by Jesus. If the motivation for missions is the gospel, and the cost of missions is our lives, then here Christ lays out the task of missions in the mission of the church. "Make disciples of all nations”. It’s a teaching task. He uses ordinary people sent out by his authority and with his presence. The Purpose and Power of A Church that "Goes": The task is to go and make disciples of all nations through evangelism and church planting. The church at Antioch is a church on the cusp of changing history as the gospel is about to be taken to the nations. Here we see how worship is the purpose and the Holy Spirit is the power of a church that “goes.

September 7, 2014

The Purpose and Power Of A Church That "Goes"

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Series: Missions Topic: Sermon Scripture: Acts 13:1–12

August 31, 2014

Make Disciples! A Teaching Task

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Series: Missions Topic: Sermon Scripture: Matthew 18:16–20

August 24, 2014

A Life Given For Life Gained

Speaker: Gavin Peacock Series: Missions Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 12:20–26

August 17, 2014

The Mission of the Holy Spirit

Speaker: Terry Stauffer Series: Missions Topic: Sermon