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The Long View: Suffering and the Glory of the Saints

March 15, 2015 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Romans: The Letter By Which the Church Stands or Falls

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Romans 8:18–25

Life in a fallen world can be discouraging. But having a long view and seeing the glory that is to be revealed will change your perspective on the present. Are you suffering? Consider the blessings of being adopted by God, of being resurrected, of being rescued from this fallen world. That thought will help to put your sufferings in perspective, giving you both hope and patience. Romans 8.18-25 helps us to gain that long view perspective.

Christian believers live in the overlap of two ages, the present age and the age to come, but sufferings of the former doesn't compare with the blessings of the latter.

  1. The Suffering and Glory of the Saints (v18)
  2. The Waiting and Groaning of Creation (v19-22)
  3. The Waiting and Groaning of Christians (vv23-25)
  4. The Longview Way

More in Romans: The Letter By Which the Church Stands or Falls

September 6, 2015

A Letter For the Glory of God

August 30, 2015

The Gospel on Display

August 23, 2015

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