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As Christ Has Welcomed You: Gospel Priorities for Practical Disagreements

August 9, 2015 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Romans: The Letter By Which the Church Stands or Falls

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Romans 14:13– 15:7

Fundamentalists and Liberals. Conservatives and Progressives. We see disagreement and disunity everywhere. And we see it in the church. But how are we to approach practical disagreements between Christians? In Paul's letter to the Roman Church, he tells them how to deal with those who disagree in a way that brings them back to the great theme of his letter, the glory of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  1. Practical Disagreements
  2. Paul's Commands
  3. Five Gospel Priorities
  4. Paul's Prayer for God Glorifying Unity

More in Romans: The Letter By Which the Church Stands or Falls

September 6, 2015

A Letter For the Glory of God

August 30, 2015

The Gospel on Display

August 23, 2015

Missions, Money and Prayer