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Staking a Spiritual Claim: Why Works Are the Necessary Outgrowth of Faith

April 24, 2016 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: James: Faith at Work

Topic: Sermon Scripture: 2 Peter 2:18–26

There are many claims to faith in our world. People will specifically claim to believe in God. But how do we know if their claim means anything? How is it clear that the object of their faith is able to change their lives? We can only know this if we see their faith-claim 'staked out'. We have to see how their faith is expressed in deeds. Good works are the visible proof of a true spiritual claim to faith in Jesus Christ. On this matter, James does not disagree with Paul. True faith always works.


  1. I. Spiritual Claims (vv 18-20)
  2. II. Visible Proof (vv 21-26)