The Revived Heart: Soul Irrigation By The Holy Spirit
June 4, 2017 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Revival: Seasons of Heaven on Earth
Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 7:37– :39
How many water bottles have you thrown away? No matter how many we consume, we can't ever seem to satisfy our thirst. How much more is the thirst of our souls. All around us there are promises offered that will supposedly satisfy us. But we are thirsty at this modern feast. Jesus came to offer something that would truly satisfy, himself. With the promise of faith in him comes a soul satisfying irrigation of our souls producing great fruitfulness. It is the soul irrigation of the Holy Spirit. Come, all who are thirsty!
- Thirsty at a Feast: the Sinner’s Dilemma
- Jesus and the Irrigation of the Soul
- The Spirit and the Fruitful Soul
More in Revival: Seasons of Heaven on Earth
May 28, 2017
The Revived City: Attention to God's Word in Mass AwakeningMay 19, 2017
The Reviving Beauty of HopeMay 14, 2017
Revived Life: When New Birth Beats Old Death