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The Reformation of Desire

October 8, 2017 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Modern Reformation: Applying the Spirit of the Reformation Today

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Colossians 3:1–17

As Christians, if we want real reformation, it must start with the things we really want even the things we crave. We must seek Christ so that he would reform us as we put off the old self and put on the new self. In Colossians 3, Paul leads us in seeking this reformation - a reformation of desire.


  1. Reformation by Resurrection
  2. Reformation by Mortification
  3. Reformation by Thanksgiving

More in Modern Reformation: Applying the Spirit of the Reformation Today

October 29, 2017

The Reformation of the Gospel

October 22, 2017

The Reformation of Worship - John 1:1

October 15, 2017

The Reformation of Authority