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Ripe Fields

Blog: Ripe Fields

It is also a season for calling people to believe in the gospel. This is not just your own personal belief in Christ, but the importance of bearing witness to this news of salvation. The season for this is brief too. And that is all the more reason why we need to have a sense of urgency, even as we are basking in the sunlight of the Son....

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Lost Humanity is Without Hope and Without God

Blog: Hope

So, what is hope? Well, hope has to do with expectancy doesn’t it? If you are hoping for a raise at work or a good mark on your test you have a hopeful expectancy that those things will come to pass. So, hope has a way of making us keep going in our lives with the hopeful expectation of a desired outcome. The problem is that with deceived minds, idolatrous hearts and ho...

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Lost humanity is at enmity with God

Blog: Enmity

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ- by grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2:3b-5)......and..... “But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2:13) ...

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Lost humanity is steeped in idolatry

Blog: idolatry

Lost humanity has forsaken their Creator and now worship and trust anything else other than Him. One can see this in the trial of the false god’s of Isaiah 40-48 where the utter futility of idolatry is exposed....

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God's Grace & Union School of Theology

Blog: union

Although I was initially apprehensive about going back to school, the depth of Bible teaching offered through Union has blessed me in the following three ways....

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Lost humanity is deeply deceived about God

Blog: decieved

We need to persevere in it trusting the sovereign Creator of the universe to act in his time. Just as he spoke the universe into existence with his powerful words, he speaks into dark, deceived hearts as the gospel is proclaimed. If you're a Christian this is what he has done to you. “'For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to gi...

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Delighting in the Salvation of the Lost in Evangelism

Blog: psalm 67

Delighting in the salvation of the lost in missions is synonymous with delighting in seeing the lost come to delight in God....

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The Bible Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt

Blog: benefit

given the Bible’s long track record of withstanding critical scrutiny, it certainly deserves the benefit of the doubt from those wondering about those issues that do still await complete answers....

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Read Individual Passages in Light of the Whole Bible

Blog: Bible

Take the time, then, to read all of Scripture. If you’ve never read the entire Bible from cover to cover, then do so! ...

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The Bible Rewards Hard Work

Blog: hard work

Therefore, another lesson we can draw from difficult biblical passages is that the Bible not only demands, but also rewards, hard work in study....

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