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Sunday Morning Times:

9:00 AM Worship Service
9:30 AM Sunday School (Adults and Children). No Sunday School over the summer. Check our calendar for more info.
11:00 AM Worship Service (livestream)

Sunday morning attendance is between 300–400 adults. Dress trends are generally fairly casual to business-casual, though you can find anything from jeans and shorts to suits. If you're a first time visitor, you're encouraged to stop by our Newcomers table in the foyer. 

You're welcome to find a seat for yourself and your group in the sanctuary or balcony. We also have overflow seating in the Fellowship Hall (basement). The ushers are available to help you find a seat, if you need.

Sunday School 

Sunday School is offered for both children (nursery to grade 6) and adults from September to June. All are welcome to join. The classes help us to comprehend the subtle intricacies and overarching truths of our God and the theology, ministry, and history He has authored. View our Events page and see which Adult Elective Classes are being offered.

Check-in station

Our check-in station ensures that we have accounted for all the children registered in the classes, nursery care and catechism. Parents please enter through the doors across the courtyard from the main entrance. You're welcome to use the self-check-in station; a volunteer is also available to help you. The check-in station is generally open between 8:45 AM–11:15 AM. 

Nursery Care and Children's Catechism

Nursery care (1 to 3 years old) and Children's Catechism (3-5 years old) are offered during the sermon. Parents can bring their children to the nursery next to Luther Hall or to the catechism class downstairs in the basement next to the Fellowship Hall after the Confession of Sin and Assurance of Pardon.

During the catechism class, children are taught one question each week from the New City Catechism. Children over the age of 5 are encouraged to join the adults during the main service.

Order of Service

We begin our worship service with all of our deliberate attention focused upon the living God. After an opening greeting, family news and announcements, one of our pastors will begin the worship service by reading from a Scripture text as a summons for us to turn our hearts Godward.

This opening meditation is followed by songs and hymns of praise accompanied by instruments. Many of the hymn lyrics are from earlier centuries set to new arrangements. The lyrics are projected on the screen at the front. Printed hymnals are also available in the pews. The service lead pastor will bring the congregation to a time of confession and assurance of pardon, followed by a reading of a section from a confession or creed. We will then sing another song before the preaching of God's word.

One of the pastors will preach a sermon from the Scriptures expositing or unpacking what the passage is saying. We conclude the service with another hymn and a parting benediction.

Post-Service Fellowship

One suggestion for post-service fellowship is to gather in the courtyard or at the park across the street after the service. Maybe bring a picnic lunch and let the kids horse around on the playground while you enjoy some fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Lord's Supper

Our tradition is to "proclaim the Lord's death until he comes" (1 Cor. 11:23-26) by partaking in the Lord's Supper, remembering the Lord together on the first Sunday of every month at the beginning of the main service preceding the preaching of the Word. All believers who do believe and trust in Jesus Christ, partake in the Lord's Supper. Please take a packaged communion cup prior to entering the sanctuary. Gluten-free crackers will be packaged separately.


It is always a joy to observe those who proclaim their union with Christ in his death and resurrection by being baptized (Romans 6:3-5). Our practice is to periodically have a "Baptism Sunday" throughout the year where we will hear the testimonies from those being baptized during the main service. Then, we will move to the church courtyard or to the Fellowship Hall, depending on the weather, to observe the public profession of faith.

Daily Walk and Community Groups

Throughout the week we seek Christ and live obediently to him in our various callings and settings. In so doing we aim to testify concerning the rule and reign of God in this world by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Smaller groups by region, called "Community Groups", typically meet bi-weekly as a time of informal prayer, study, fellowship and a family potluck meal together. To get connected to a community group or to learn more, visit our Community Groups page.