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Posts Tagged with "Expositional Listening"

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Charles Simeon on Expositional Listening (in modern English!)

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Christians spend hundreds and even thousands of hours of their lives listening to preaching. A believer who faithfully attends his local church and hears a forty-five minute message forty-five times a year will, over the course of forty years as a Christian, spend 1,350 hours hearing sermons. That’s more than fifty-six days of his life! ...

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A Handbook for Practicing Expositional Listening / A review of "Listen Up!" by Christopher

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The conviction that drives this work is stated up front: “it is good when when people who can read, do read and study the Bible; but it is vital that all people, without exception, hear the Bible preached”. Ash’s aim, then, is to help Christians “‘consider carefully how you listen’ (Luke 8 v 8).”...

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